Wednesday, December 23, 2009

What is Christmas without music??

That's right- nothing! :) We had our choir concert this past Monday (the 21st) and it was so much fun! The advanced women's choir 3 songs, 2 of which are a capella (without the piano) and in a different language. It was such a challenge to get them down but so much fun. My favorite one that we sang was called "Train de' Ver". It is one of the a capella ones that is french and translates to Winter Train. There wasn't many actual french words in it, most of the words were just a sting of sounds that all imitated the sound of a train coming in the beginning getting really loud in the middle and leaving at the end. Then we went a step further and added claps! It sounded amazing! Singing in this choir is so much fun! I feel like i have arrived, doing exact the things that i wantched almost all my siblings do for so long and now its my turn! haha
Blaine and Kristin were able to make it down. We had so much fun!